The site is designed as a service to our customers and may be used for information purposes only. All items are subject to modification, change and/or being withdrawn at any time in the sole discretion of 6085 Ocean, LLC.
6085 Ocean, LLC, its subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors, agents, employees, licensees, and/or assigns are in no way responsible or liable for any damages whether they be direct, indirect, punitive, special, consequential, contribution or indemnity of any kind whatsoever, however caused, arising out of the use or non-availability of this Website. Additionally, access to third-party Internet sites linked to this Website are at the user’s own risk and 6085 Ocean, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information, opinion, advise, statements or transactions made on these sites.
Stated dimensions are measured to the exterior boundaries of the exterior walls and the centerline of demising walls and in fact vary from the dimensions that would be determined by using the description and definition of the “Unit” set forth in the Declaration (which generally only includes the interior airspace between the perimeter walls and excludes interior structural components). Additionally, measurements of rooms set forth on any floor plan are generally taken at the greatest points of each given room (as if the room were a perfect rectangle), without regard for any cutouts. Accordingly, the area of the actual room will typically be smaller than the product obtained by multiplying the stated length times width. All dimensions are approximate, and all floor plans are subject to change.
Offer void where prohibited or otherwise restricted by law. Prices may not include upgrades and options. Association and other fees may be required. Prices, promotions, incentives, features, options, amenities, floor plans, elevations, designs, materials and dimensions are subject to change without notice. Square footage and dimensions are estimated and may vary in actual construction. Improvements and recreational features and amenities described are based upon current development plans which are subject to change and which are under no obligation to be completed. Floor plans and elevations are artist’s conception and are not intended to show specific detailing. Floor plans are the property of developer and its affiliates and are protected by U.S. copyright laws. For further information, please see a Sales Associate. This is not an offering in any state where prohibited or otherwise restricted by law. ©
The photographs displayed in this Website may be stock photography and are used to depict the spirit of the lifestyles to be achieved rather than any that may exist or that may be proposed, and are merely intended as illustrations of the activities and concepts depicted therein.
The project graphics, renderings and text provided herein are copyrighted works owned by the Developer. © 2014, 6085 Ocean, LLC. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, display or other dissemination of such materials is strictly prohibited and constitutes copyright infringement. Additionally, This Website may contain or reference trademarks, copyrighted materials, trade secrets, technologies, products, processes or other proprietary rights of the Developer and/or other parties. No license to or right in any such trademarks, copyrighted materials, trade secrets, technologies, products, processes and other proprietary rights of Developer and/or other parties is granted to or conferred upon you.